Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Report Card on Your Life

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Most of us have grown accustomed to receiving report cards while we were in school. While currently my job is to write report cards for children, I thought I would take stock of my life since it is the end of the year, end of the decade. I stumbled upon a quiz that rates different aspects of your life and gives you a score; a report card. I had an idea of where I wanted to focus my improvements for the next decade but thought it couldn’t hurt having some data to back me up. I took this quiz to get me focused.

The results were troubling.

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The score has 8 different categories

Career & Work
Health and Wellness
Contribution to the world
Living Environment
Planning my life

Without taking the test, what areas do you think are your strengths? Weaknesses? Well it turns out; my life needs a lot more work than I first imagined. Here are my results.

Relationships: 82.5%
Career & Work: 59.67%
Finances: 27%
Health and Wellness: 34%
Contribution to the world: 10%
Spirituality: 57%
Living Environment: 38%
Planning my life: 57%


This score seems about right. I think that I am good at staying in touch with friends, visiting home during the summer and planning trips to meet up with friends who live abroad. Lacking a significant other probably hurts this score but probably helps my overall happiness level so relationship score is a win.

Career & Work-59.67%

I can't help but imagine what this score would have been ten years ago. I like my job and being around kids all day. I like that most days are different and I may or may not have some type of positive impact on my students. I suppose it would be nice to not have to go to work or to get paid to write posts like these but overall I’m satisfied with how teaching has influenced my life.

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This score seems low for me. Especially after paying off $31 500 and climbing to a credit score of over 800, I feel like my score should at least be in the 60’s. True I don’t have an emergency fund yet or making money off investments but I have made gains and will continue to focus on this area in 2020 and beyond.

Health and Wellness-34%

This seems about right. My daily activity is limited and most days I am not even meeting the 10, 000 steps my phone tells me I need to make every day. I bike in Seoul but now that it is winter, my desire to go for a ride has decreased. My plan of action is to join a Seoul basketball league, workout with a guy from work and do yoga twice a week then go bike crazy come spring. I am most excited to tackle this weakness since it creeps into many other areas of my life.

Image result for me fail english

Contribution to the World-10%

10% is embarrassing to be frank. I don’t volunteer my time and am not donating the recommended 3-5% of my salary to help causes that I am feel strongly about. This will be an easy area to improve. I think this area is super personal and what I might view as contributing to the world, you may feel differently. I think that as long as you believe you are making an effort to make a world a better place to live, that is what counts.


Spirituality to me doesn’t necessarily mean going to church or spending x amount of hours reading a religious text. It seems like it would be important for you to define spirituality for yourself so you know how to improve this area. My overall view of spirituality would be to be connected and mindful about your time and impact on the earth, to those around you, your relationship to yourself and your thoughts.

The University of Minnesota’s websites writes that "Nurses Ruth Beckmann Murray and Judith Proctor Zenter write that "the spiritual dimension tries to be in harmony with the universe, and strives for answers about the infinite, and comes into focus when the person faces emotional stress, physical illness, or death."

Spirituality is a massive topic and I will write a more detailed post once I learn more about it.

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Living Environment-38%

I live in a big city in a small apartment so this one makes sense. I like the country I live in but I am not in love with it and don’t see living there long term. Ideally, I would like to live in northern Japan with close access to mountains, nature and snowboarding.

Planning my life-57%

I like to plan trips, my weekends and summer vacations. My love of planning does not translate to planning into my 40’s or eventually retirement. I have vague ides about what I want in the future but I also feel like life happens and just because you have a plan, the world has a funny way of putting its own stamp on things. It is important to plan for career growth, the importance of family and relationships as well as financial and health goals. All areas I need to focus a little more closely on.

What did we learn from all of this? If you took the quiz, you would realize that you are ‘beating me’ in life. That probably is the case and I congratulate you. What I take away from all of this is that we all have areas to improve and that the point isn’t to jump from a 40% to a 90% over a weekend. I am learning lately that small and consistent gains add up over time. This isn’t a race and you should do what brings you joy, be kind to others and think about how you can leave this planet a better place than how you found it. 

My challenge to you is to find 1-2 areas to focus on in 2020 and see how it improves your life. Remember that when setting goals, it is helpful if they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based. For example, an easy one to start 2020 will be for me to write a guest post on someone’s blog or write an article for a magazine before the end of 2020. That would help improve my work and career score while also reaching a goal that I have had for a while. I hope the end of this year and decade leaves you time to reflect on where you went right and what areas need a closer look. I wish you an exceptional 2020.

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“To all the students-no school report card can tell you whether you can achieve your dream or not. Know your purpose, know your dream, know your vision, stay focused, do your job and do not listen to anyone including your report card. Don’t let the board results or rankings bother you. Do what you are passionate about, work harder, do better but don’t let your mark sheet tell you anything.” 

Sharad Vivek Sagar 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Stop Worrying

Image result for God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference

 Do you worry about events that never occur? Do you worry your afternoon when you should be focused on your morning? Does your mind conjure up scenarios that have literally 0% chance of coming true?  If yes, then you are officially human. If you want to worry less, Dale Carnegie and I have you covered. 

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When I think about someone who worries, the image of my grandmother Phyllis Campbell comes to mind. I think it is just natural for older people to worry and maybe especially for mom’s but I feel like that might be sexist so don’t quote me on that. The next image that comes to my mind when thinking about worrying is a rocking chair. 

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(rocking chairs: underrated) 

Earlier this year, I read a book called How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. I feel that I worry about as much as the average person. I worry less about my future than other people but probably worry more about flight prices that the rest of society. According this NBC article, 85% of what people worry about, never comes true.

Of course, people worry; there’s an endless amount of topics to worry about:

Climate change

Israel and Palestine

Gender inequality

Your blood pressure

Facts and the public discourse

Big Tech

People stealing your Amazon packages

Polar bears being spray painted

Putting dish soap in the dishwasher  

Falling through roofs

Volcanic eruptions

Your credit score

The first 8 seasons of Terrace House not having English subtitles

Not knowing how to cut vegetables correctly


Having grade 2 students laugh at your drawings on the whiteboard

Buying a pair of chopsticks and having one chopstick go missing

Being naked at a Korean spa and having Korean men look at you and laugh

You know, normal stuff. Well Dale Carnegie has some tips to help us out.

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Think of your life as an hourglass. Thousands of grains each slowly pass through and evenly. When we start in the morning, we have many tasks. Take them one at a time, slowly, and you can make it through your day. One grain of sand at a time. One task at a time.

Folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. 

Half of all the beds in our hospitals were reserved for patients with nervous and mental troubles, patients who had collapsed under the crushing burden of accumulated yesterdays and fearful tomorrows.

 1-What is the problem
2-what is the cause of the problem
3-what are all possible solutions of the problem?
4-what solutions do you suggest?

Get the facts. Analyse the facts. Arrive at a decision and then act.

Lets examine the record: what are the chances according to the law of averages, that this event I am worrying about will ever occur?

I am going to meet people today who talk too much people who are selfish, egotistical ungrateful. But I won’t be surprised or disturbed for I couldn’t imagine a world without such people.

To raise grateful children, we need to be grateful.

There are two things to aim at in life first to get what you want. The second is to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.

The north wind made the Vikings.

Do what you feel in your heart to be right-for you’ll  be criticized anyway.

I have realized that I myself in the last analysis am to blame for almost all my misfortunes.

Clear desk of all papers and things not needed to solve problem at hand.

Do things in order of their importance.

Don’t put off making decisions. Gather facts, act.

Don’t try and wash tomorrow’s dirty dishes today.

A chief cause of fatigue is boredom.

Keep busy.

When you are worried use your muscles more and your brain less.

Patience and time have a way of solving our troubles.

I would add my analysis here but I feel like he summed it up perfectly. So pick a few of these sayings and keep them in mind next time you are wondering where your wife is and it’s past midnight on a work night. She probably just lost track of time at book club. Probably.

Image result for Two men looked out from prison bars. One saw the mud the other saw the stars

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never occurred