Friday, March 27, 2020

Book Recommendations

Suddenly have some extra free time? I figured you might. Here are a list of books worth checking out.

To be entertained:

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah 

Story about Trevor Noah growing up in South Africa. The way he grew up and the way I grew up were worlds apart. Short and entertaining read. One of the best books I’ve ever read.

Around the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne

Jules Verne is a legend. Verne and H.G. Wells are considered the fathers of science fiction, his stories involve travel and adventure. This might be my favourite fictional book of all time. You can skip the movie. 

Around the World in 80 Days movie review (2004) | Roger Ebert

Troy Trilogy by David Gemmell
Lord of the Silver Bow, Troy: Shield of Thunder, Fall of Kings

I don’t re-read books but after a 12 year break, I needed to dive back in. Luckily I forgot almost every event that happens so it was like reading it for the first time. Better than Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. It’s a long read but if you like fantasy, you need to read this.

Troy: The Secret Impact of Brad Pitt's Sword-and-Sandal Epic ...

Chess Story by Stefan Zweig 

Boats are an incredible setting for a story. This book only takes about an hour to read and while you might say chess is a boring topic for a book, I think you will find this fictional book quite compelling. Give it a shot.

Handmaid’s Tale Margaret Atwood

A little Canadianity. I fell in love with the show then read Handmaid’s Tale and 
The Testaments. Testaments not necessary to read but I would read the book then watch the show. Everything that happens in the book and on the show happened at some point in history. It gets a little dark but if you’re feeling gloomy, this might be the book for you.

Watch The Handmaid's Tale: Season 3 | Prime Video

Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain 

How can someone be such a great chef, writer and TV personality? Anthony Bourdain’s writing is thrilling, he tells great stories and makes you feel like you are right beside him while doing things that are far too inappropriate for my mother to read about.

New York by Edward Rutherford 

This book is a monster. One of the first historical fiction books I’ve ever read. Follows one family from the 17th century to 2009. If you like history and are interested in New York, Rutherford does an impeccable job painting what life would have been like during those years.

17th century . An illustration of Broad Street, New York City. NY ...

Fun Things To Do in NYC At Night 2019: My Top 7 Fun Night ... 

To learn:

Endurance by Alfred Lansing 

One of the greatest stories of survival ever told. Shakelton set out to cross the Antarctic in 1914. You might have guessed that things did not exactly goes as planned. Top 5 book for me. My English isn't very good so it's hard for me to describe how great this book is. 

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand 

It’s hard to believe this was Louis Zamperini's his life. To say that he lived a full life from 1917 to 20014 would be a gross understatement. If you are into history and unbelievable stories that apparently happened, read the book but stay away from the movie.

Unbroken: When Louis Zamperini saw an early cut of the film - YouTube

The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck and Everything is #@%!ed A Book About Hope

Mark Manson is my favourite author. He’s smart, funny and level headed. He’s what the world needs. His articles are helpful and can aid you with almost any issue you are facing. Read these books to gain insight into how our minds work and how to live more rationally.

Digital Minimalism and Deep Work by Cal Newport

If you feel like technology is taking over your life, read these books for some perspective on how to reduce technology’s impact on your life and how to work more productively.

Sam Harris Lying

Sam Harris is one of the smartest people alive. His podcast is A1 and writes mainly about religion and philosophy. Lying is more of an essay and might change how you view even white lies.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie 

One of the most popular books of all time, Dale Carnegie shows you how better manage relationships in your life.

I Will Teach You to be Rich by Ramit Sethi 

If you want to learn about personal finance in a relaxed and humorous tone, read this. This is the book that helped me get my financial life together and pay of my $31, 500 debt.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

A classic personal finance book. Shows two different approaches to money. You can decide which approach is best for you.

For kids but also for adults

Love You Forever by Robert Munsch 

The Heartbreaking Story Behind Iconic Children's Book 'Love You ...

There are no words.

Ish by Peter H. Reynolds 

Ish by Peter H. Reynolds, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble®

This is a fun little book. Ish is a great word to use and this book does a tremendous job explaining how best to live life ishly.

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis 

This is a book that completely surprised me. I don’t remember why I picked this book up but I was all in from the first page. I’m not going to watch the movies or read the other books because this book was everything I wanted from it. Read it to your kids or just read it before bed but be warned, you might end up going to be later than you had planned.

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Originally written in French, this book is a tale of child trying to figure out what exactly is the deal with grownups. Not sure anyone knows what the deal with grown ups is.

Netflix's all-star animated Little Prince will break your heart

Authors I like but not mentioned above:

Bill Bryson non-fiction. Short History of Nearly Everything.

Murakami-Hit or miss. Japanese. South of the Border, West of the Sun

Tim Ferris-Useful advice on how to be better at life. Tools of Titans 

Malcolm Gladwell. Super smart, Canadian and solid podcasts. The Tipping Point

Michael Lewis. Great storyteller. Liar’s Poker and Moneyball

Stay safe. Stay inside. Stay together. 

Sorry about all the Corona memes. I'm beginning to grow tired of them as well.

"Since all of the public libraries are closed, I'm checking you out instead."


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