This post isn’t funny. If you are looking for a laugh watch this
If not, read away.
My first real person I don’t really mind hanging around with after school in Nakhon is leaving. We could go as far to say a friend/rival blogger. For basically everyone here, this is an extremely normal occurrence, one that happens monthly, sometimes weekly. I think people that have been here a few years are good at being able to maybe not get too close or always have in the back of their minds that the person they are becoming friends with will eventually move on. I suppose you can take it one of two ways. The way Bert is programmed to function and probably most people is to be sad and not enjoy the change. Even if this change makes someone else happy and will probably improve their life and future. The other side of the coin, the more experienced person would say, you got to meet this/these incredible people that made your life better, will have memories and can visit this person on their next travel destination. When I talk to people about how they deal with new people coming and going all the time and friends leaving them for a different life, a main theme that comes up is, it isn’t goodbye and you have a place to stay wherever they may end up. And vice versa. Imagining what it would be like spending time with a person I have made good friends with in this small Thai town while not in Thailand is very fascinating to me and interested to see who stays in touch with and who you really are saying goodbye to forever.

Around Halloween there was a bit of an influx of people coming into Nakhon/the group. And honestly, didn’t like it at first. I felt and feel like we have a good, diverse group of people that fit relatively well together in this setting. Having new guys and to lesser extent girls into the group has the potential for unwanted change, conflict and just less fun. Change. I had to talk to like 5-6 different people to understand how they approach new people and how to maximize the results. The best advice I think I received was just cherry pick the people you think you will get along with the best because you can’t and don’t want to be great friends with everyone. So, my theory from then on to now and beyond is to get to know everyone a little, seek out those with potential and maximize their fun level.
I know I say to embrace change, and I think I do. The change I like most is the change that is my decision. I don’t love change being forced upon me. So if you are faced with a choice, embrace it because fighting it probably won’t make it any better.

I don't think Peter Pan is right about saying goodbye is forgetting cos if one person does means something to you he/she will be forever in your heart.What you think about this?
ReplyDeleteTrue. Different people mean different things to you and time seems to blur how you feel about people. New people come into your life and old people slowly fade out. I don't like it at all but people are good at adapting to new situations and lives.