little place called Pakistan.
hear it is beautiful this time of year and super safe.
But seriously, next on tap
is New Zealand (Pakistan does look beautiful though. Possible 2014
planning on going home for the summer, seeing my friends and family, eating
delicious street meet, working, trying to save money then going
somewhere in the fall. Then one day I thought about going to New Zealand, finding a job in Queenstown
and snowboarding as much as possible. It took about a day to change my

Was thinking about NZ before I came to Thailand and might as
well keep the good times going while I'm away from home. My first
thought was to only spend the winter there but the more I thought
about it and read about it, I might as well stay for as long as the government will let me. People have great things to say about the place and should be a good way to spend a year. I looked into flights, they are under
$500 from Singapore and getting to Singapore is pretty inexpensive.
Will go towards the end of April, beginning of May. Once the winter
is over I will head North and see what the world has in store. Not too worried
about finding a career-type job while I'm there, just want to support
myself, discover a new place and meet cool people.

figured if I was going to go home and get a random job and try and
save money, I'd rather do that in a completely new country and do something new. On my initial to-do list will be to get a job, find a place to live, and snowboard as much as I
can. There are a crazy amount of activities going on all the time like
kayaking, mountain biking, zorbing, wineries, touring Middle Earth, Maori culture, rugby games, sky diving, bungee jumping, glacier
climbing, and other fun things. Trying to keep my expectations in
check and maximize the rest of my time in Thailand. If you ever wanted to
visit/work in NZ, now would be a good excuse to book a flight. I will
continue to write mediocre things for you to pass the time that is hopefully
non-injury-related. Again,
thanks for staying in touch, if you have any NZ advice, send me a

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the
things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off
the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade
winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain
things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off
the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade
winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain
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