has almost been a month since the last post so I will try and shake
some of the cobwebs off and try to get my irrelevant points across.
Since leaving New Zealand, I spent 3 days in Singapore hanging out
with people I met while living in NZ. Singapore is a nice spot, a
little crowded and expensive but worth checking out for a few days.
After leaving Singapore, it was off to Thailand. Have spent the last
17 days here and if you can imagine, I have absolutely loved coming
back. I ponder a lot but the thought of loving it here so much and
having the urge to stay never crossed my mind once since I booked my
flight in July. I figured two years was enough, time to move on but
would be great to see everyone again. I just love it. Admittedly, I
might like the attention I get a little more than I should. I've
really missed random strangers telling me I'm handsome or a group of
female workers staring at me before their business opened. The number
of friends that are around, how cheap general life is, the food, and
the weather. Just really, really great.
have also come to the conclusion that having a limited amount of time
with a place or a person will alter the way you perceive that
experience. If someone told you that you had only 48 hours in New
York City, knowing that you only have two days will make you yearn
for the things you missed out on and what could have been. The
possibilities could have been endless. On the other hand, if I told
you that you needed to spend the next year in New York, your
perception and idea of New York would probably be different, good or
bad. I think it is the same thing with people. If you meet someone
one night but find out they are leaving the next day for Madagascar,
you would probably only see the good things in that person, want more
time with them, and wonder what could have been. But if you had to
spend the next 8 months traveling with that person, you would
certainly feel different about them.
feel like we always want more. We want more money, we want more time,
we want more love. And who wouldn't want more things that make them
happy? One thing I think that is wrong with Facebook is that it keeps
friendships alive that should probably just die. It's great that I
had really good friends in high school and maybe I keep in touch with
a few of them. However, at some point, both parties need to realize
that they just aren't going to see each other again. And that's okay.
Things don't need to be forever. People fall in and out of love. You
shouldn't be forced to stay together just because at one point you
both believed you would grow old together. People change. Meeting
people while traveling sort of toughens you up when it comes to
goodbyes because you just become accustomed to it. Maybe some people
are just meant to be in your life for just one drink, one dinner, one
weekend, or one month. I don't think this is something we should
fight. You can't fight against the world. The world takes us places
and gives us opportunities. Maybe instead of fighting the randomness
and trying to control everything, maybe giving in and just going with
the natural flow of things is best.
you probably know from reading these posts the last while, I don't
really know anything and I am probably wrong. For instance, every day around the world, people meet and fall in love. One day they are
going to their job at Sears, the next day they are making plans to
live in South America with the person who took their order at
great is Harvey's?). The idea of a guy (or girl) meeting someone and
not taking no for an answer is also incredibly great and romantic.
Maybe there are times when you go toe-to-toe with the world and only
accept the outcome you seek. I think that those times
are few and far between but putting up a fight for what you want is
to be admired and respected in my opinion. So if you find that a job,
person or place just isn't working and another option seems like a
good, easier, safer alternative, don't fight it. Embrace it. Embrace
change. On the other hand, if you are 200% sure that you have the
right business idea or met the person who could change everything,
you should believe that you know what is right for you and what you
want in life. These are the things I think. See you in Hong Kong.

"You only lose what you cling to."
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