Have not been very active here lately, mostly because nothing too noteworthy has been taking place. Last weekend I took Monday and Tuesday off, went to Koh Samui for the weekend to watch the Super Bowl, relax and drink a Singha or two. The biggest thing I got out of that trip is that Koh Samui is really, really close and we should be going there more on just normal weekends, takes maybe 5 hours from doorstep to doorstep and has a lot going on. Forgot they had Subway there so when I walked around I was very happy to notice one of my favorite restaurants from home 30 feet from me. Ate there twice, had McDonald's twice and found a place where I could buy an Esquire magazine, even though it was a European edition, still quenched my appetite for my favorite magazine. Brought my camera along just in case and only took 2 pictures. Here is one of them:
Was planning on only spending 2 nights there then going somewhere more laid back for 2 nights and watch the Super Bowl but the thought occurred to me that I might not be able to find the game somewhere else on the island because I started asking around about where to watch the game and no place was showing it because it was on too early. So I decided my best bet was to stay there and wake up and try and find it. Walked around for 20 minutes and found a popular beach bar playing it by accident while the staff were setting up and nobody else was in the restaurant. So I watched the Super Bowl, on mute, by myself, eating breakfast looking out at the sea. Not where I would have guessed to be watching the Super Bowl last year but no complaints.
I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers.
It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage.
Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.
-Maya Angelou
Fast forward to Friday night. To make a sort of long story short, a few of us were asked to be backup dancers for a guy we know who is making a "music video" because his dancers had canceled on him. We dressed up in 1960's gear and youtubed 60's dance moves (in retrospect could have just called my mom, she was alive and well into her 30s by that point). So we get there, get invited into this conference room, get sat down next to I'm guessing people that have more baht than all of us combined in their pockets, get to eat really good food as an award show is going on in the background. There was I think a lady, possibly a man dressed up in super traditional Thai dress, a man dressed up like a lady with clown hair on, and a student from another K2 class there just running around. The pictures do not do this justice, it was very surreal and was one of those moments that you just needed to embrace and will never forget. This is why you should just say yes to things. Want to be a backup dancer? Yes. Want to throw tennis balls at a dunk tank with Thai girls? Yes. Do you want a half priced lady boy operation? Maybe.
The video we were in is supposed to end up on YouTube. Not sure if I will post a link or watch it myself. Sort of want to keep the memory the way it is. Will keep you updated. |
On Saturday, some University students interviewed me about being a foreigner living in Thailand and asked me questions like what do I like about Thai culture, what is your favorite food in Thailand and what practices from Thai culture could you bring back to Canada with you? So fun. I love asking people questions so it was nice answering a few for people and helping them out with school. Also, the rainy season is for sure over here and has been getting really hot and the days are getting longer. Like I might have to start using my AC hot but I guess it's better than turning a heater on.

2 final things, I was going to make a post about how much it might cost you to travel in Thailand just in case anyone is interested in visiting the country where your favorite Teacher Bert resides but then found an article that did just that for me so if you are interested in general costs, read this: http://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/how-much-a-holiday-in-thailand-costs/#more-13227
Looking into flights home right now return and it is around 1300-1400 Canadian dollars. Takes about 25ish hours of flying. Not overly excited about that plane trip.
Finally, in one of my other posts, I talked about missing my mom because well she's great. Currently, right, right now I miss my brother. I missed watching foooootball on his couch throughout the NFL season, taking a nap on his couch, and eating Jessica's chili. I miss playing basketball on Wednesdays with him and just hanging out and being around people you have a history with and love. This generally is the only thing I don't enjoy about being this far from home. It is worth it for now but at some point, it won't be not seeing and being around your friends and family. Alain, you're a good brother and if you didn't set a good example for me, I wouldn't be nearly as fun or somewhat responsible as I am now.
It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage.
Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.
-Maya Angelou
Although you've never actually referenced me in any of your blogs, the Maya Angelou quote brought tears to my eyes. Y(our) mom is great! She might want to enlighten you regarding her age in the 60's. Math never was your strength. I so wish I could hop on a plane and visit you during March Break!
ReplyDeleteKrista. You made an appearance in the very first blog post, would you like weekly mentions? Bert no like math.