It's coming to about that time. Thailand out, New Zealand in. Leave on Monday for Hat Yai. Spend the night there, then a bus to Singapore on Tuesday then a flight to Auckland on May 1st. Finished teaching today, finished (hopefully) buying all the last minute little things I think I need. Had lunch with Orry, my first Thai friend and her super cute daughter yesterday. She helped me so much when I first got here, can speak amazing English and made my stay in Nakhon considerably better.
If I wasn't such a tough guy, I would have cried after they left. I didn't, because...I'm tough...
I came across a to-do list I made before leaving Canada. Had about twenty things on it and only 2 went incomplete. One was to go to the floating market. I didn't do that because it is super touristy, bit of a trek to get to, and is not an excursion people rave about. Definitely okay with not doing it. The second was get and maintain a tan. I'm worried about the sun, it scares me, so I try and stay a safe distance from it in most cases.
(speaking of the sun, watch this
Other than that, mission accomplished. Which brings us to now and the upcoming months. If you have been following me from the beginning, please shoot me a Facebook message or e-mail me to let me know what you think. Even if just to say I suck, I would appreciate it, don't get much feedback and would love some. Not sure if I want to change the name of it, go to a different format and possibly put more work into it. Also, I've noticed that people I don't know read what I write for some reason and that fascinates me. Specifically some people who live in Russia and Germany. Who are you and what make you stay? Fascinating. I can only guess you look like all the other Russian girls.
Flying from Singapore on May 1st, apparently a super nice airport with tons of free things to do. Will let you know about that. Feeling that moving on is the right thing to do, if I didn't have a girlfriend it would be incredibly easy. My last post dealt with my goodbyes and my opposition to them. I may have done an airport goodbye the other night to one of my good friends. I'm a hypocrite and I'm sorry. Lesson: Make sure your friends know how to tell military time so they don't almost miss their flight back to America. 0100=1 am not 1 pm.
That should just about do it. I wanted to do a post about how in Thailand almost everything you buy has a whitening element to it. That can't be good for you. Thai people want to be white, white people want to be darker. Sunscreen, body lotion, acne cream, deodorant. There I did it. Was kind of all over the place with this one, sorry for the lack of specificity. Enjoy your weekend, stay in touch, and stick around for posts about life in New Zealand!

"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to
trust them." Ernest Hemingway
I'm excited to hear about your next adventure Burton! Good luck travelling!