is a discovery I made while living with my cousin in Ottawa a few
years ago.
are savages.
it is also true that people do extraordinary things every day, people
can be incredibly generous and kind, that just isn't as fun as
learning about our savagenaturous lifestyle...

first define savage.
Oxford dictionary defines savage as a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.
of my main thoughts (I don't have many) before writing this post was
if you put 20 men and women together in the same place for a few
hours to a few days from different countries who do not speak the
same language, they will soon begin sleeping with each other.
you put a group of people together for an extended period of time who can speak the same language, they will certainly hook up, fight and
create drama. Think MTV's Real World and Big Brother.
a city is in the Stanley Cup final and ends up losing, rioting will
ensue. Savages.

you leave people unattended, the amount of savagery could be unprecedented; food fights, debauchery, etc..
Feral children who have literally been raised by wolves. Savages.
Although I don't blame them for their savageness, just happy they are alive. If you are interested, research feral children, really interesting and sad.
Although I don't blame them for their savageness, just happy they are alive. If you are interested, research feral children, really interesting and sad.

Coliseum gladiator fighting to the death? Savages.

hangings? Savages.
caught for intercourse outside? Savages.
been inside a public bathroom? Savages.
stars trashing a hotel room? Savages.
you ever seen people eat ribs?

are all around us people. While it might be part of our nature to act
this way, let us all try and keep it together. We are trying to live
in a society.

"Laws are made not to be broken. They are made to curb our savagery."
Toba Beta
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