Looks like my time as an employed person will be coming to an end come June. Is it my fault my school is closing? Yes. Should I be concerned about life without an income? Certainly! What am I going to do about this problem? Probably nothing.
For a variety of reasons, my school is closing and taking my paycheck with it. On the plus side, I have had a few months to construct a plan. I will give you a few seconds to take a stab at what my new plan will entail.
If one of your first guesses is travel, you would most certainly be correct. I don't feel like I have explored enough countries in my time since leaving home. I could have discovered many more places if stupid Thailand wasn't so appealing. I will be taking a (short) Thailand break and exploring some countries in Asia. My plan changes hourly but as of this moment, I am considering spending July in Shanghai while tinkering with some ways to make money online to prolong this period of being a deadbeat. I have heard great things about Sri Lanka and flights from here to there are reasonable ($450ish) so I am planning on spending a month discovering Sri Lanka (alone if you can imagine). My next stop will be a return to Indonesia. Indonesia is a massive country that should be easy on my wallet if I plan it correctly. I will also learn to surf in either Sri Lanka or Indonesia because I feel like I haven't learned a new skill lately. After a month or possibly two in Indonesia, I have my eyes set on Australia.

While my experience in that part of the world hasn't been ideal to date, I believe Australia can give me what I think I need: English speakers, clean air, nature and a Canadian lifestyle without having to go back to Canada. Will this plan change? Almost certainly. Will I definitely make a mistake, regret it and blame someone other than myself? Indubitably! Is this a good plan? Only time will tell.
Living in China has been a trip. I love Shanghai more than I thought I would. I got out of debt, met different people, traveled and got to hangout with high school kids every day. I lived all by myself for the first time which was a real delight and semi learned how to use chopsticks. The fact that I will have spent just about the same amount of time overall in Thailand as I have in China is pretty wild. While Thailand has my heart, my lungs will always remember their time here.
I'm not sure humans were meant to live in a city with 23 plus million people. I think it makes people act like savages. There are many young foreigners in town getting wild each night and dating in Shanghai is not an experience I would recommend to others. While this might be a 2019 thing, people here are certainly looking out for themselves and Shanghai will get you one way or another.
I just went to the rugby 7's in Hong Kong last weekend. It is the most hyped weekend in Hong Kong. Nations from around the world congregate to play a fast style of rugby, dress up, cheer and drink.
I have been wanting to experience it since I heard of the event. This year I finally had the time and the money. While it is an experience and I'm glad I went, I wouldn't make it an annual event like some people do. Most people arrive in the south stands by 930am and stay for as long as they can last. The costumes are fun and the rugby is entertaining but I feel it is a tad overrated. I couldn't see a clock indicating the score or time left so it made it hard to understand what was happening. The south side stands were packed filled with drunk Australians (a glimpse into my future) and people drinking like they've just found water in the Sahara.
For more of an accurate depiction of rugby 7's, watch this:
I will be making another Hong Kong trip this weekend to play in a lacrosse tournament.
"Oh Bert, how is being the captain of the lacrosse team going this year?"
"Oh, thanks for asking friend. I drafted a team and we have lost all 6 games so far. Everyone hates me and I'm not allowed to be captain ever again. Talk soon!"
In other news, my favourite day is rapidly approaching. May 18th, I will be turning 33. That is the update on that.
People sure do seem to like this Game of Thrones show.
In October, I will regret not having a job and will be super stressed about money and life so check back again in a few months to see that prediction come true.
I don't love Youtube and don't follow too many people but I just found Matt D'Avella and find his videos enlightening.
I heard a great quote today. I will share it without sharing my analysis because my analysis will certainly come off as negative.
It is difficult to overstate the unimportance of practically everything
That is long enough of an update. I wish you all good health and good fortune. Appreciate your jobs and income while you have it. It may not last as long as you think.

The north wind made the Vikings
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