Posted pictures last week and did a small post about Hong Kong, thought I would follow it up with a bit more detail. (Sidenote: I really don't like Math because of paying attention to little things. Least favorite thing my mom says to me "Favorite son of mine, pay attention to detail, attention to detail" ahhhh I hate it, moving on) In Cantonese, Hong Kong means fragrant harbour.
Hong Kong is legally part of China but has its own constitution, different immigration than mainland China, their own financial system, free press and a more open society that are allowed to protest. In 1898, the New Territories were leased to Britain for 99 years after the British won the Second Opium War and given back to China in 1997.
That was a fun little history lesson right??? Hong Kong is massive, see below:
Flying into HK is a spectacular view, so many islands, golf courses, yachts, mountains, water, very cool sight. Flights from my town to Bangkok, to HK, back to Bangkok then back to Nakhon was under 10, 000 baht so a little over $300 Canadian. HK is one of the most expensive places city wise and real estate is crazy so it helped that Jake lives like a baller in HK in his uncle's condo that can house 2 other people and a woman who works there and takes care of the place. Saved some baht on that end and by drinking their Heineken. Hit up the pool a little bit, rainy season there right now so got lucky with the weather:
Here is a little Bert story for everyone. (Isn't all of this one giant Bert story??) So I Gooooogled things to do in Hong Kong and looked for fun things to do at night and every Thursday there is a Pub Crawl that takes you to 5 different bars, different every Pub Crawl, 100 HK dollars which is 300 baht, which is like $13. They take us to different bars, walking in a group of about 100, find this small, quiet area and took a group pic:
So the main area in HK to party is Lan Kwai Fong, bars everywhere, can drink on the street, tons of people, really something that Jake and I were into. So we get to the last bar of the night, and obviously there are two sides to every story but I seriously doubt this isn't 98% accurate.
Two Chinese girls come up to me, one girl wants me to talk to her friend, not sure if they really speak English, super loud, so the girls friend puts her drink towards my mouth to drink it, I do, (always accept drinks from strangers in a new, foreign country, that's traveling 101) then like 15 seconds later, the girl who wants me to be friends with her friend straight up puts her mouth on part of my bicep and bits down as hard as she can while digging her very sharp nails into my forearm. I honestly knew them for about 1 min and this is what it looked like the next day:
I suppose it is my own fault for not telling them right away "No Biting". I wouldn't tell this story if there was a hidden side I am leaving out, I promise, I'm not. I really digged HK and had an amazing time. If I ever really need a wife that has a bunch of money, I'd be in HK in a heartbeat. Great city.

"The moment may be temporary but the memory is forever"
A good friend of mine left for Hong Kong yesterday. She's travelling with her husband and 3 kids so I doubt the pub crawl is on her list of things to do. Also, she actually understands Cantonese, can read a menu and can speak the language a little. We miss you, favourite little brother. And yes, do pay attention to details. They're important. Love, your favourite oldest sister.