This week we have a special guest. This is Kait. From
Thanks for the lovely introduction; it makes me feel a little worse about arguing against the majority of your blog content. Actually, judging by the fact that I didn’t roll my eyes once while reading, I think this may just be one of your most mature blogs yet! Woo Bert! I’m glad you are embracing most of what Thailand has to offer and you seem more relaxed. Evidence #1: your realization that Thailand may be a little warm for 3 piece suits ;). Evidence #2: we finally witnessed Mr. “I love to dance” actually bust a move.
Wow..........what a week. (Alex making fun of how lame and typical me having a blog is and how they all probably start off as) I'm probably going to forget somethings but here we go. At work, on my computer and I turn around and there is a little kid standing there with a bag with two pieces of sweet corn. That seems about right. Just ate one, so good. Kids/parents have started bringing me things and I really like it. Have a little notebook now, get pound cakes and cookies. Had a friend from Ottawa come visit on Saturday. First person from home that I've seen since leaving and was a lot of fun. Went to the pool, ate a pizza man which some people love....some love massages, went to a Thai festival with a ridiculous amount of people/vender's/turtles and kittens. Went to a little Jamaican bar after, played some connect 4, went to a Disney themed party. Sunday went to my first waterfall with Alex, ate at I think my favorite restaurant in Nakhon, Joy's Pizza but I don't eat their pizza. I really do wish I loved Thai food more...but I don't.

This is my go to meal.
Globally around 30,000 nuclear weapons are held by various countries. On average, each of them has a destructive power thirty times that of theHiroshima bomb.

World population:
6.8 billion
"TUBING" 3 weeks ago..ish |
Sandwich party. I had 4.5 sandwiches. (currently listening to easy listening 80s music) |
This is my go to meal.
I just looked at pictures from the waterfall on Sunday and 3 people in the last bit have told me I've gotten smaller and looking at those pictures I agree. I need to eat more of my go to meal. Arggg.
I would like to add that the purpose behind “Kait’s Corner” is not to bash Bert or any of his ideas, but rather to engage in a healthy dialogue about some of his more controversial posts. For example, pizza man is way better than joy’s pizza. Just kidding (although it is true). On a side note- Bert, it often takes a while to get used to all the rice. Don’t freight, one day you will wake up craving it. The fact that you already eat it for breakfast is a good sign.
So football has now started and the games start at 12am here so I dont' watch them last Monday I went to Sean's place and watched some of the games and by pure chance the Cowboy game was on. I don't think I can describe how happy it made me. I had to avoid the internet all day just in case I saw any scores. Then I went back the next day to watch Monday night football. Sean and I are becoming very close..and he has good food. And a pool table. I might like Nick from Nick and Nat a little less because of said pool table.
Kait, would you like to describe this person for my record breaking 10 followers? Take THAT Lady Gaga.
Kait, would you like to describe this person for my record breaking 10 followers? Take THAT Lady Gaga.
Last week was exam week so I had to test all my kids individually in math and English. Last week was the fastest week I've had in Thailand . I liked seeing how much my kids have learned from my above average teaching style and one student I thought was pretty smart ended up doing the best out of the whole class. Surprised me and taught me to pay more attention to kids that might be a little less quiet. On the other hand, somewhat discouraging when I ask a student what his name is and can't answer me soooo I have things to work on. This week getting their report cards in order, practicing for our Prawn Show which there will be a video/pictures of and the infamous Prawn Song will go viral.
I've been told that my blog hasn't been up to par lately and needs more Bert thoughts and funnier elements. Well we all know I'm not funny so I will give you a thought or two. I think the world needs DRASTIC and ACCOUNTABLE change. Let's start with the second one. Maybe the most important thing in someones job/life/relationship is accountability. For example, you are in high school, working at a job that you don't love working but are forced to make paper because girls don't date guys with no money or without any skills.
Bow-hunting skills, computer hacking skills etc. What reason would they have to try and learn new skills, continue to develop and be super nice to every customer they encounter? Accountability. If you work at a job where nobody cares if you show up late, doesn't matter how hard you work or get along with other people...eventually most people will stop giving 100% at some point or just leave the company...unless your name is Jessica McLellan or Jessica Oliver for that matter. You two should meet. Anyway, that is why elections are important for voters to be able to punish or reward politicians after a certain term, to make them accountable. Which brings me to my next point. I believe the world and maybe some of us humans are in need of DRASTIC change. I only use capitals because I feel change isn't strong enough of a word. I understand that the world as a whole does somethings great and some humans have been know to be change the course of history. With issues such as population explosion, in the year 2025, the population of the world is estimated to grow to 7.8 billion and in the year 2050 around 8.9 billion. Most of this growth will come in developing countries where there is already a shortage of food.

Globally around 30,000 nuclear weapons are held by various countries. On average, each of them has a destructive power thirty times that of the
The world's current population is already estimated to be unsustainable at today's rates of consumption and pollution, and another 2.5 billion people over the next half-century—all rightly striving to raise their standards of living—will only exacerbate the problem.

![]() |
6.8 billion
World Hunger:
925 million people do not have enough to eat which is more than the populations of USA, Canada and the European Union combined.
925 million people do not have enough to eat which is more than the populations of USA, Canada and the European Union combined.
98% of the world's undernourished people live in developing countries.
35 million people are living with HIV/AIDS.
1.7 billion people lack access to clean water.
2.3 billion people suffer from water-borne diseases each year.
12 percent of the world's population uses 85 percent of its water, and non of the 12 percent lives in developing countries.
Shark specialists estimate that 100 million sharks are killed for their fins, annually.
35 million people are living with HIV/AIDS.
1.7 billion people lack access to clean water.
2.3 billion people suffer from water-borne diseases each year.
12 percent of the world's population uses 85 percent of its water, and non of the 12 percent lives in developing countries.
Shark specialists estimate that 100 million sharks are killed for their fins, annually.

an estimated 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year; approximately 50 per cent of all victims are children. there are an estimated 300,000 child soldiers involved in over 30 areas of conflict worldwide, some younger than 10 years old. Of the 600,000-800,000 people trafficked, 70% are female and 50% are children; the majority of these victims are forced into commercial sex trade.
I will stop here because goooogling this is making me sad. I really don't think these problems will be solved because there are just too many issues, in too many countries, with too many different motivations and wait for it..........not enough accountability. In a perfect world how would we solve this? I haven't put crazy, crazy amounts of thought into this but I think problems we have like in minority governments or in the US, it is just too hard and you need too much cooperation to get anything done. Too many people looking out for different interests to we make short term comprises that only make our long term problems more severe. People want change/improvement but don't want to bothered. Example: Toronto elects Rob Ford to put the city back on track buy cutting spending, people start realizing THEY might lose their jobs, get angry and complain, then Liberals say (provincial election going on at home right now) this is what will happen if you vote Conservative. Well maybe that's what provinces and countries need. Stop spending so much money, get rid of jobs that arent' useful. People riot in Greece and England because of austerity measures..your country has no money, what do you expect. I just think the world would be better off will unbelievably bright, long term thinking people had some sort of small council, were anonymous and had control over all aspects of a country while protecting basic human rights. These people were somehow held accountable every 3-5 years by the people they rule and were rewarded in some manner or punished in some way if their policies didn't turn out. These are my thoughts and also somewhat open to the opinions of others. Have a fun Wednesday.
Following along with Bert’s eclectic collection of information this week, and on a topic far more pressing than world hunger or human trafficking, I would like to comment on old post that has nothing to do with this entry. The post is called Got quite involved on the weekend (as British people would say)…
P.S. This is one of the many Thai things I ate this
week. Love Thai food.
This was informative but also very depressing. As a major player in the mass media industry, it is responsible of you to pass along this information to your readers. Good job.
Following along with Bert’s eclectic collection of information this week, and on a topic far more pressing than world hunger or human trafficking, I would like to comment on old post that has nothing to do with this entry. The post is called Got quite involved on the weekend (as British people would say)…
“…my little cousin Alex loves [house] music...and I always thought she was wrong for liking it and how she wasn't cool…. this is what the "kids" are listening to these days and how I'm out of the loop. It hit me like a orange juice truck. There is a generation of people younger than me that like different things and think things I like are lame.” -Bert
I think as you get older and wiser you come to the realization that what is cool is completely arbitrary and often comes in full circle. So, eventually “cool” things don’t interest you like they used to. You learn to enjoy the fashion or music that you truly enjoy. That is not to say that taste doesn’t change or adapt—but I think as we get older we realize that we don’t necessarily need to indulge in the latest trend. Techno & house music is nothing new—the rave culture started in the late 1980’s and thrived through until the mid 90’s. And, as things usually do, has come back in style recently. So there are those who like it because it is “cool for now” and there are those who have been listening to it for years and couldn’t care less about popular consensus. So Bert, it doesn’t mean you are “out of touch”, it just means that you like what you like and don’t focus as much time and energy finding out what the masses are into at the moment. As long as you are open to trying new things- cool or otherwise- it may not actually matter what the popular opinion is. This also goes for fads such as, oh let’s say, planking. Who cares if it is old news, if you get your kicks lying flat in random places then good for you (this goes out to the silly looking bearded guy in on of the pictures).
Ps. Thanks for including this picture and portraying me as a high roller.
P.S. This is one of the many Thai things I ate this
week. Love Thai food.
Didn't taste that blog material though. |
Oh and the other night I had a group Skype date with some of my friends from Ottawa and they took a group picture while holding a laptop. I thought it was very adorable but I'm pretty sure my eyes were shut..

… & don’t forget to think less and feel more.
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